
About me

Greetings! I'm Hayden, my passion is designing and programming games. Recently graduating from Boise State University with a bachelor's degree in Games, Interactive Media, and Mobile Technology(GIMM), my primary focus revolves around programming and level design. With that said I would characterize myself a versatile generalist who can contribute on a little bit of everything. I have a strong commitment to continous learning and feel like I should always be improving or honing my skills. Feel free to explore some of my showcased works or to reach out and contact me.

Personal Projects

Scales & Skillets

3D Platformer created during my 3rd year of GIMM revolving around a spirit named Ruu tasked with collecting Souls to bring back to there realm. Created in Unity.

Group Lead/Project Manager
Lead Programmer
Motion Capture Acting and Implementation
Camera System using Unity's Cinemachine

Scales & Skillets is a Co-op cooking game made during GIMM 400, where 1-4 players must cook for a group of cute yet very hungry dragons in order to appease them so they don't burn down your village.

Lead Programmer
Level Design
AI Implimentation

Aeterium is a VR Action Adventure game where the player must carefully manage their resources to survive. This was my personal game project for GIMM where it was worked on from mid GIMM 200s up until GIMM 480.

All Design, Art, Behaviors, Code, AI and Music

First World Robotics Heist
30 Minutes Or Less
MNDR VR Music Experience

This was my first game created during GIMM 100, it was a simple point and click that had a later segment where it was a top down action game fighting flying drones. is this project I used Adobe Animate and the trailer was made in Premier Pro during a later GIMM course.

All Design, Art, Behaviors and Code

This was a group project during GIMM 400 created in Unreal. It is a 3rd person competitive game where two pizza delivery robots try to complete there route first while also avoiding robot dogs. Multiplayer is networked.

Level Design
Animation Implementation/Blending
AI Programming
Character Programming

In GIMM 490 we had client projects where we are assigned roles and worked with a real world client. For this project we worked with the singer Amanda Warner of MNDR to create a VR music experience. I was a programmer for this project working heavily around the VR character controller and menu systems.

Main Menu functionality
VR Raycasting
AI Programming
Dynamic Cards and NPCs

Contact Me

linkedin youtube email